The Science Fiction Principle
I grew up on science fiction. Living in Alaska the future always felt more important and exciting than the present. I longed to escape, and until I joined the Army at age 17 (semi-inspired by a sci-fi book), my escape was Star Wars, Harry Harrison, Orson Scott Card, Douglas Adams, Margaret Atwood, and William Gibson. Then, once I was in the Army, sci-fi was again my escape...
I'd like to institute a new Watchmike Principle:
All science fiction is worth watching.
Which is to say that I will have full and open shareholder permission to watch any science fiction show or movie that I'd like (not including comic book adaptations from Marvel or DC). Personally I will avoid almost all horror so if there is overlap I'll skip it. This does not apply to fantasy, which will still be considered on a case by case basis.
This means less voting on individual movies and shows, which is a way to adapt to the way I tend to watch. I am now a Stubs A*List member, so I can watch up to three movies a week in AMC theaters.
4 users voted with 602 shares
Let's hope Margaret Atwood never becomes a shareholder, because she will certainly have lots to say about being called a science fiction author.