Do a Month Long Challenge in March?

I'm back home in Los Angeles and it's great. I'm riding my bike, cooking healthy food, working on projects and contract gigs. I love it. I had a really productive week!

With March starting tomorrow I thought could try to stretch myself a bit... Should I try to do something a little extra every day?


  • 6% No, just stay productive and keep doing your normal routine!
  • 0% Yes, do 100 push-ups a day
  • 0% Yes, read two books a week (8 total)
  • 38% Yes, meditate for 10+ minutes
  • 1% Yes, wake up at 6am!
  • 46% Yes, get 8+ hours of sleep
  • 0% Yes, get 10,000 steps a day
  • 0% Yes, study chess
  • 5% Yes, study poker
  • 2% Yes, write 2000+ words a day
  • 1% Yes, but none of these... I have a better idea I'll add below...

16 users voted with 1845 shares


  • beau [ 288 ]


  • Mont Christopher Hubbard [ 27 ]

    please please please please improve your voting method when there are more than two options. In a plurality-vote election with 11 "candidates", the winning candidate could be disapproved of by 90% of votes.

  • Mont Christopher Hubbard [ 27 ]

    Can shareholders make proposals? If so, I propose that you use STAR Voting or Approval Voting for votes with more than two options. Secondary proposal: that I give you a crash course on why plurality voting (choosing only one "candidate") is a DISASTER and why these two options (STAR in particular) are way better than plurality voting, and even better than ranked choice voting (while also being EASIER to implement).

  • Becki Grady [ 25 ]

    Getting up early can really start your day off great. Gives you a few extra minutes to enjoy the day before it gets hectic. Bask in the morning sun, enjoy the nature around you, read an extra article or two with coffee.


I missed three days, but now when I get less than 8 hours i schedule a nap during the day!