✅ One Year of Beard
I started growing my beard by accident. Last year at Christmas I went a few days without shaving, and then we went to Hawaii for the New Year and I started to intentionally not shave while on vacation. On January 20th of this year I asked the shareholders what I should do about my beard.
With 68.43% it was decided to keep the beard but to move the votes to weejee and keep checking in. So February 20th I checked in again and earned another month of beard growth.
As we entered March my beard was becoming unkempt, and on March 3rd it was approved to get a professional beard trim. This was just before the pandemic lockdown.
Later in March, on the 24th, we started to quarantine and it was decided I should let the beard grow until the big shareholder event on May 17th.
On May 15th, I asked about the beard again and at this point, with so many questions about facial hair I offered one option to just keep the beard until after quarantine and that was approved.
It’s now early December and we’re approaching a year of beard growth. I’m looking more true to my Alaskan roots than ever. (My last hair cut was also in March.) On the KmikeyM Slack there have been some anti-beard rumblings and I wanted to offer the beard opposition party a chance to be heard.
52 users voted with 3653 shares
the video of trimming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAIy6adQU9I&t=22s
If you like it, keep it!
It makes you look distinguished
your wellbeing is important. it would be sad to see it stuck in a zipper! with that being said, it would be a cool pandemic-era heirloom preserve post vaccine
Can we shave it and then save it, like bag it up or something?
Nice beard, I have one like that too
Trim it up, but don't shave it off. You are starting to look homeless. Cut it back to "business professional" length.
lol look at these folks acting like you have free will or something. SHAVE IT! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
it's a time capsule! keep it and start hiding things in it!
The beard needs maintenance and shaping. Other than that it looks lovely.
Been rockin a similar face all year as well. The mustache makes the man!
projecting wisdom
i do feel like a wizard
New year, new face, same you.
live stream trimming! we all need this. <3
I'm the first vote for "Give it the lightest of trims, just to even out the shape." I say let's see how long we can push this experiment, go for the ZZ Top or Chris Stapleton look, but have at least SOME level of care put it into it.