✅ Podcast Limited Series Order: Hamburger Business Review
Proposal: Co-host and produce a 10 episode limited series podcast with Zach Rose called Hamburger Business Review.
In each episode Zach Rose, renowned burger expert and K. Mike Merrill, publicly traded person, will discuss a Harvard Business Review case study about McDonald's. We will also talk about any current McDonald's news and events happening during the production period.
We've recorded a pilot episode about the "McDonald's and the Environment (A)" case study as a proof of concept. The pilot was recorded over Zoom without any professional equipment and we edited it ourselves.
Listen to the pilot episode here.
The podcast will be listener supported, and we have set up a website where people can subscribe or make single contributions (and already have a supporter!).
If this proposal is approved we will record episode two on April 1st and continue on a weekly schedule for ten weeks, wrapping up on June 3rd.
33 users voted with 3364 shares
Completed first season! https://news.kmikeym.com/hbr-s1-aar/
if you need a guest foursquare tells me I have checked in at 130 burger spots...
we did talk about having guests! also, since the shareholders have the power to approve the series order, please add any notes, thoughts, and feedback on how we can make it better!
I believe there should be a moratorium on white dude podcasts.
However, if this passes, a deep dive into McDonald adjacent business topics sounds fascinating. Would love to hear about pork futures and the McRib, the Mc10:35, overview of Vkusno i tochka and its effects on McDonald's bottom line....
If it's just gonna be about McDonalds, the name should reflect that. "Hamburger Business Review" implies it's about the business of burgers in general, which I would be more interested in than just a podcast about McDonalds.
I am for this, but agree with @alexmahan. If the whole series is about McDonalds, the name should reflect that.
Interesting opportunity to talk about other burger businesses with the current name though.
It's a play on "Harvard Business Review" which in the world of business is often abbreviated to "HBR" and so "Hamburger Business Review" is better. Also, while we are niche, it's true that we can expand beyond just McDonald's. And also, "IBM" made calculators, then computers, and now consulting. A general name is just good business sense and I'm excited about the future when we're Hamburger Consultants and selling Hamburger Computers.
I was disappointed with the McDonalds focus until you then compared it to IBM. That level of irreverence is what I'm voting Yes for.
krickeyb has a point, but it can be mitigated somewhat if you ensure that you have guests on that aren't white dudes!
also there is a recent meme that Americans are referred to as "burger" or "burgers" on crypto-twitter
@krickeyb, it would be great to get a list of racially appropriate hobbies for Mike. 🙄
We're voting Yes and we will continue to vote Yes until this passes. No one can stop this
I'm voting no on current creative direction, resources better spent on area of fast food industry that is under explored and therefore will make content area less covered ground, i vote for 5 part background and analysis of Brahm's chain from Oklahoma, popular, unknown outside of its region (low awareness and therefore content more interesting) and unique biz model (burger/shake and grocery).