❌ Health + Wellness Working Group
I haven’t been to see a doctor, dentist, optometrist, or anything else in more than two years.
Where does one even start? What do I need to find out? Do I have cancer? And most importantly, how can I use modern medical science to push myself into some hyper state of incredible productivity? This is a great idea for a new Shareholder Initiative:
Proposal: Creation of the Health + Wellness Working Group
The Health + Wellness Working Group will be a subset of the voting system that covers all aspects of my physical, mental, and emotional health. Shareholders will guide me through the labyrinth of the modern healthcare system, approve treatments, review test results, and generally get to “play doctor” as they seek to optimize my performance in life.
Utilizing the full range of personal and professional experience of the shareholders, we will investigate the capabilities and limitations of my body and generate a system for health and wellness.
How It Will Work
The process will consist of the following parts: Investigation, Results, and Practice.
- Investigation will consist of discussion and decisions about what tests to seek out and what specialists to consult.
- Results will be a library of all medical records, physical health updates, and test results.
- Practice will entail changes to be made to habits and lifestyle based on the investigation and results.
In order to facilitate the process we will create the following:
- Creation of a #proj-health Slack channel for ongoing updates and recommendations
- Creation of a Health + Wellness sub-section in votes.kmikeym.com for all shareholder questions
- Creation of the Health + Wellness sub-section of the email newsletter for timely and regular alerts to any shareholders who wish to subscribe.
- Creation of the Health + Wellness page on news.kmikeym.com to log all test results and updates
This process will be updated and adapted as needed.
Community Benefits
While the purpose of this initiative is for the health and wellness of your investment (me), the discussion and investigations will be useful to everyone as a place to ask questions, explore treatments, and have a place for general health and wellness questions.
32 users voted with 3029 shares
voting yes because I'm interested in copy trading the advice ;P
Do all medical tests / visits / treatments go through this working group, or are you selecting the non-embarassing ones?
Tentatively voting yes, under the assumption that shareholders will indeed 1) prioritize investment health and well-being and 2) avoid punitive tests fOr Th3 LuLz.
Tests will have to be feasible... but I'm willing to push it a bit for sure! What are the embarrassing ones?
You need an STD test PRONTO
IQ test + meyers briggs test + horoscope/palm reading
@mike prostate exam, sperm count, hemorrhoid removal, henway mitigation, etc
Much as I'd like to take control over all aspect of Mike's life, this seems like something for which he shouldn't give up personal control. It's neither funny enough nor quirky enough, as virtually all the rest of his votes are. This is serious stuff. I mean, what if we tell him not to take a medicine, when taking it would save his life? This seems a bit like playing with fire here.
Let's send Mike to some intense "functional medicine" practicioner and then have him upload his biomarkers to a software tracker. Health KPIs! Seems like the proper KmikeyM way.