β The End of Beard
I got my first vaccine today! Jona and I drove to Bakersfield CA to get a shot because they are encouraging everyone to drive up and get a walk in dose. While this is exciting and was incredibly easy it's also a bit sad as it means the end of the beard.
The shareholders voted that the beard would be maintained (but groomed) until after quarantine. And it struck me on the drive home that I will soon be up to 80% protected, so perhaps I should shave about 80% of my facial hair.
What I'm suggesting is a mustache.
I would keep the mustache until my next appointment for the 2nd dose, so until April 24th, at which point I would return to the clean shaven looks of a my previous pre-pandemic self.
21 users voted with 2299 shares
Shave off one half of both beard & mustache
Shave your 8
8 being the bottom part of your 8===>
I think youβre jumping the gun a bit here
So, SO, tempted to vote for OMG 5G in your blood, but there are still too many people that would believe it. I vote for the Batman beard/mustache combo.