G01M04: The Book Move?
I got a little busy so we're rushed on this one! Apologies, but we did have some discussion on Slack about it.
They moves Nxd4 and took our pawn, as expected.
Our options:
A. Nf6 (Knight to f6)
B. Nc6 (Knight to c6)
C. Qa5 (Queen to a5)
D. e5 (Pawn to e5)
Slack comments indicate that A) Nf6 is the "book move." Now that the d pawn is advancing they can't push on us.
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It doesn't look like you have Nf6 marked is the image right? I like cxd4 too which isn't an option...
i used the image from the last move! oops! it's updated now with the right one.
Ah that's better, yeah Nf6 then...