Morning Routine

I love to sleep more than most people I know, but I also find I am in a better mood if I wake up early. The early hours are mine alone and help prepare me for a productive and satisfying day. But when is morning? How early and how structured should that time be? I’m letting the shareholders decide.

Update: Descriptions updated on June 15th, 2024

No Routine - Sleep In

- Description: Prioritize extra sleep. No specific morning activities.

Minimal - Slow Start

- Wake up whenever you want.
- In no particular order, 10 minutes of meditation,
- Enjoy coffee and breakfast,
- Don't overthink it, just do whatever feels like is "next" in the day.

Basic - Structured Start

- Wake up at 7:00 AM.
- Do a 10-minute meditation.
- Have a healthy breakfast.
- Walk the dog.  
- Spend a few minutes planning the day.

Moderate - Energizing Routine

- Wake up at 6:45 AM.
- Perform a 10 to 20-minute exercise routine.
- Take a refreshing shower.
- Eat a nutritious breakfast.
- Pause before work to do some personal reading or journaling.
- Review the day’s objectives.

Intense - Productivity Boost

- Wake up at 6:30 AM and drink coffee.
- Engage in an intense workout session.
- Take a cold shower.
- Eat a high-protein breakfast.
- Spend 20 minutes on focused personal development.
- Review the day's tasks with specific goals in mind.

Ultra Structured - Power Start

- Wake up at 5:30. 
- Drink coffee and meditate for 20 minutes.
- Go on a 1-hour bike ride.
- Follow with a contrast shower (alternating hot and cold).
- Eat a balanced breakfast while listening to an educational podcast or audiobook.
- Spend 30 minutes on a focused activity for long-term goals.
- Review the day's agenda in detail, setting clear priorities and intentions.




  • 0% No Routine - Sleep In
  • 2% Minimal - Slow Start
  • 97% Basic - Structured Start
  • 38% Moderate - Energizing Routine
  • 2% Intense - Productivity Boost
  • 0% Ultra Structured - Power Start
  • 0% Abstain

23 users voted with 2895 shares


  • alexmahan [ 63 ]

    I voted basic cause I'm a basic bitch and a night person and all the options after that stress me out

  • smikeyw [ 103 ]

    Intense and Ultra Structured seem like they will be basically impossible to maintain. I hesitate to vote for them without some built in flexibility or some kind of accountability system.

    Do I remember correctly that you tried getting up at 5am for a while and it made you very unhappy?

  • Mike Merrill [ creator ]

    Yeah, 5am was HARD. But I'm not opposed to trying and failing and then reporting back and seeing if we can try something else. But I appreciate you remembering that and voting with my own limitations in mind. :)

  • Zach [ 35 ]

    This is going to be all kinds of fucked up unless you can ease into it. Let's set you up for success.