Morning Routine
I love to sleep more than most people I know, but I also find I am in a better mood if I wake up early. The early hours are mine alone and help prepare me for a productive and satisfying day. But when is morning? How early and how structured should that time be? I’m letting the shareholders decide.
Update: Descriptions updated on June 15th, 2024
No Routine - Sleep In
- Description: Prioritize extra sleep. No specific morning activities.
Minimal - Slow Start
- Wake up whenever you want.
- In no particular order, 10 minutes of meditation,
- Enjoy coffee and breakfast,
- Don't overthink it, just do whatever feels like is "next" in the day.
Basic - Structured Start
- Wake up at 7:00 AM.
- Do a 10-minute meditation.
- Have a healthy breakfast.
- Walk the dog.
- Spend a few minutes planning the day.
Moderate - Energizing Routine
- Wake up at 6:45 AM.
- Perform a 10 to 20-minute exercise routine.
- Take a refreshing shower.
- Eat a nutritious breakfast.
- Pause before work to do some personal reading or journaling.
- Review the day’s objectives.
Intense - Productivity Boost
- Wake up at 6:30 AM and drink coffee.
- Engage in an intense workout session.
- Take a cold shower.
- Eat a high-protein breakfast.
- Spend 20 minutes on focused personal development.
- Review the day's tasks with specific goals in mind.
Ultra Structured - Power Start
- Wake up at 5:30.
- Drink coffee and meditate for 20 minutes.
- Go on a 1-hour bike ride.
- Follow with a contrast shower (alternating hot and cold).
- Eat a balanced breakfast while listening to an educational podcast or audiobook.
- Spend 30 minutes on a focused activity for long-term goals.
- Review the day's agenda in detail, setting clear priorities and intentions.
25 users voted with 2939 shares
I voted basic cause I'm a basic bitch and a night person and all the options after that stress me out
Intense and Ultra Structured seem like they will be basically impossible to maintain. I hesitate to vote for them without some built in flexibility or some kind of accountability system.
Do I remember correctly that you tried getting up at 5am for a while and it made you very unhappy?
Yeah, 5am was HARD. But I'm not opposed to trying and failing and then reporting back and seeing if we can try something else. But I appreciate you remembering that and voting with my own limitations in mind. :)
This is going to be all kinds of fucked up unless you can ease into it. Let's set you up for success.